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You have abilities
you’ve never been allowed to know.

you’ve been kept from the magic +
Mystical Powers that have been available to you
since the beginning of time…

All of us have been.
”Forgetting” what we’re actually capable of,
what we actually have access to — this is so widespread, most of us just believe it’s “Reality” that we don’t have these gifts.

Most of us Believe it’s not actually Possible.
Not really. Not fully. Not like we wish it were.

But you can remember.

and you can have access to more of your Natural magic
and more support from the Universe, your Guides, your Soul,
than you ever thought possible. 

The Feminine used to be the keeper of the Flame,
she used to be Healer, the Shaman, the Oracle,
the Portal to the Divine.

It’s time to reclaim your Power, Goddess.

It’s time to remember these gifts.

It’s time to Return to the Temple.

Cosmic Shaman is now a Private Client Experience — a self-guided journey + some private, 1:1 support.


You’ve kinda always
thought you might have superpowers…

Maybe it sounds weird, but you always had this feeling inside that you were special,
that you had access to something Magical that the bulk of the world has Forgotten,

but you lost that Belief somewhere as you’ve struggled, as the challenges of Life
made you focus on the Doing and the Logical, the Practical and the “what makes sense.”

And the Wonder and sparkle in your life, in Love, in your business,
seems like it’s dimmed and dwindled… It’s certainly not feeling very Magical.
It’s just feeling Mundane.

…and You know that would be different
if you could really, truly hear your clearest intuition.
If you could trust it fully.
If you KNEW you were hearing it correctly.

You’ve always had a hunch that you’re meant for something Magical,

maybe that you’re not entirely “from here,”
or you have connections with something beyond this visible, physical world,

maybe you’ve dabbled here and there,
maybe you’re even actively tapping in, trying to touch into your gifts — or trying to get BACK to them after finding they’ve closed down over the years…

But you haven't REALLY known how to Connect to what you’re really capable of...
And you haven’t really known how to Believe in it fully, how to Trust it fully,
how to let yourself be someone who really, truly walks with Magic.

You feel there's SO much more to the Universe, and to what it has to share with you,
what it wants to SHOW you,
you’re READY to really, truly Hear it...

You’ve gotten nudges, hunches, "divine winks," and messages for a while now —
— but have no clue what to do with them, or how to ‘make sense’ of them alongside “real life”...

maybe You love magical movies & supernatural books
and secretly wish you had the same kinds of superpowers
(this is a calling card — you do!!)

You aren't sure how to tell if what you're hearing
is Intuition, your Ego, or Fear…

So how are you supposed to know how to follow it? How to Trust it?

You trusted your Intuition before, and either it didn't go the way you wanted it to —
— or you shut it down somewhere along the way, maybe out of Fear of hearing it, and can't figure out how to listen again...

Plus… what if you hear something scary?? What if you accidentally connect to something DARK???
How do you make sure you’re actually hearing the Voice of your Soul, and the Guides that are GOOD — and not opening yourself up to something that’s going to do harm?

I was all of these.


ALL of those things were me, too — literally all my life — until a handful of years ago, when I went through a sudden
Spiritual Awakening — and my Channel opened up WIDE.
I've been experiencing Magic every. single. day since.

To be perfectly honest, I had no idea I was actually Intuitive — I truly believed only other people had this kind of connection
this kind of understanding and insights into the Universe,
into their Soul Paths and their lives.

I believed that it wasn’t MY GIFT to have.

Not only isn’t that true — we ALL have this ability within us —
but I’m constantly blown away by what comes through every day, often finding myself in tears, humbled by just how Magical this world is, and just how DEEPLY supported I am by my Cosmic Team.

But it’s no coincidence AT ALL that it opened up for me as soon as I stepped into this Cosmic Feminine work.
The Feminine Energy is REQUIRED for us to have access to our Intuition, for us to connect with the Invisible Realms, for us to work with the Universe and have it at our backs, for us to even be able to Trust what we’re receiving…

when we open into our feminine Energy,
and the inherent channel she awakens in us

we’re also connecting to
ancient wisdom and abilities within us
that we’ve always been designed to have.

There’s no way I could ever go back to seeing the world any other way…

…or living my life ANY way other than truly Mystical, deeply supported by my Guides and the Universe, and fully connected to my Soul and my Purpose.

It changed everything for me.


I’ve never felt more certain
of my Path — ever in my life.

I’ve never had doors open for me like they do now,
I’ve never had so much Clarity,
I’ve never had so much Certainty,
I’ve never, EVER, EVER felt so Loved, so supported, and so utterly NOT ALONE as I do now.

this is one of the most-asked-for
trainings i offer:

helping you find the same connection,
the same access, the same relationship with guides, and

Meeting your Cosmic Team.

because you do have access to this.
All of it.


Cosmic Shaman is now a Private Client Experience — a self-guided journey + some private, 1:1 support.


"Cosmic Shaman changed my life."

and this is exactly who Cosmic Shaman is for.

This course is a potent Activation for the women who know there’s MORE available for them in this Universe,

who Know they’re meant to have the support of the Universe at their backs, and the Power of the Cosmos at their fingertips;

For women who aren’t willing to settle for less than their Souls came here
to have, to be, to do…

…and who Know that means they have to be able to HEAR Her.

This is an Activation of your innate Intuitive abilities,
the connection to the Universe that is your birthright. 

The Powers you’ve
suspected you’ve had your entire life.

It’s a connection with the Team of Guides, Guardians and Cosmic Helpers
that have been waiting for you to hear them, to see them, and to start letting them help you…

It's time for you to Remember that you are
a powerful, magical being,

That you have access to wisdom and abilities you’ve never been given permission to know,
that you have guidance waiting for you in the stars,
that your Soul has the map for your highest and best life,

and that you were meant for a magical life
beyond anything you’ve ever imagined.

You can feel that
within you, can’t you?

 That connection you’re meant for?
the abilities that you were built to have?

It’s seems buried — but you can feel that, right?

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Meet your ‘Cosmic Team’

You have a team of loving Beings
just waiting to speak to you, support you, Love you.

When you know your own 'Cosmic Team,' as I call it — Uncertainty is a thing of the past, and you feel held, Loved, supported and guided in ways you likely have never felt before.

Ever since connecting with my own Cosmic Team, this has become my "new normal":

  • My mind is blown away every day by the unwavering support and guidance from my Cosmic Team;

  • I Know EXACTLY when something is meant for me, and when it's not;

  • I’ve been able to unravel old stories, patterns, Fears and limiting beliefs in light-speed — both because I receive information about what's ACTUALLY Truth, and because I have a direct-line to the bigger picture;

  • I feel ZERO uncertainty about my direction, and absolutely no guilt about about Choosing it;

  • I wake up with full downloads about what to do next in my business — structure, pricing, everything — it’s the most powerful business plan I've ever had, and it’s the reason I saw success so quickly in my business;

    I feel no Fear about where I'm going —
    and feel the most Peace and Ease I've ever felt in my life;

I laugh every day from sheer joy at the Beauty and perfection
and awe-inspiring messages from my Team
— and I cry almost every day, humbled, for the same reason;

  • I feel more at home in my own skin, my own body, and exactly Who I Am than I ever have;

  • I've blasted through old patterns of hiding, self-loathing, and that damaging Chameleon habit, where I used to mold myself to what others needed me to be because "Me" wasn't good enough — and I feel fucking MAGICAL now, in a way that nobody can take away from me;

  • I finally found my family of women who are just like me — I feel understood, I feel seen, I feel HOME
    There is nothing like connecting with your Soul Fam when you finally know who yours is.

So here, in this course, I will offer you a connection to the Mysteries as they have shown themselves to me —
I’ll give you some of my most POWERFUL tools and processes to help you Receive them yourself,

and I’ll serve as your guide into a deeper connection
with everything you’re meant for.

I feel more empowered and connected to my Soul’s purpose here on earth.
Before Cosmic Shaman I was a little scattered
and unsure of what I was feeling and seeing.
Now I’m venturing into the great Unknown with more Love,
confidence and awareness than I’ve ever had before.”

“I feel empowered and connected
to my soul’s purpose”

What if you could

What if you could understand why?
and What if you could have a map?

What if you could ask which way is the right way to go?

And if you could Know for SURE that you're being guided, that you're being HELD, that you're being taken care of?
What if you could have the tools to start the conversation with the Invisible Realms?

And what if you knew how to listen —

so your greatest life, Love
and success wasn’t just a far-off Dream...

...it became the Destiny you're guided to?


About the journey

I’ll be guiding you through 6 deep, Magical modules every other week, for 12 weeks.
And you’ll have lifetime access to this content — so you can listen to these over and over again if you’d like. (Many of my clients do. :))

There will be Mystical Teachings and Principles, guided meditations + powerful Shamanic Journeys; 
Potent Practices, resources, tools and explorations to use for your continued journeying —

— and you won’t be doing this alone: you’ll have some 1:1 time with me so I can help you clear out what might be in the way of your Clear Channel, and make room for far more Magic & Miracle in your life.


***the journey is so full of magic***

First of all, when you join Cosmic Shaman, you’ll also get the mini-course,
Channel: Attuning to Your Intuitive Guidance — FREE.

Right off the bat, you’ll get to explore:

  • H E A R I N G : Trusting your Intuition, How to know if you’re hearing Fear, Ego or our Intuition

  • R E M E M B E R I N G : Activate your Remembrance through powerful Shamanic Journey

  • D R E A M W O R K : Speaking the language of your Dreams,
    and how to work with Intuitive Googling to understand what they’re saying

  • C O N N E C T I O N : Connecting to your Soul, Establishing a language
    to begin to dialogue with Her

And Cosmic Shaman
is going to take you next-level

Here’s what we’re exploring…

I’m not just introducing you to this work, to your Powers as a Mystic —
— I’m taking it up a notch (or several), and giving you a TON of my own personal practices,
to really give you the Clarity and the Knowing and the deep Connection that I know you want.

Connecting to your Channel

Get my exact Morning Practice routine to create the conditions for your most powerful
Intuitive opening, and your deepest ongoing guidance;

Start to ‘read’ the Universe and see the messages that are trying to come to you;
Remember how just NOT alone you truly are.

Power at your Fingertips

Connect to and understand the wisdom and language of your Soul, as She speaks through your BODY — and through your life.
There is so much guidance, Wonder and Magic everywhere around you and within you — we just have to help you hear it again.

Your Soul Lineage

You’ll connect with your Soul in the course pre-work (the FREE mini-course, Connect Me: Activate Your Intuitive Channel) — and now you’ll go deeper:
This is THE PRACTICE that changed everything for me, and I haven’t seen it taught anywhere else.
Create an UNSHAKEABLE connection with your Soul so you ALWAYS Know exactly what’s meant for you.
You’ll also do a Shamanic Journey to gain insights into your Soul’s origin and lineage.

Meet your Cosmic Team

This is one of the things I’m asked for THE MOST.
How do I meet my own Cosmic Team? How do I know who my Guides are?

Well, here’s where that will happen.
We’re going to connect you to your Team — so you can Know them, feel them, Know their ‘voice’ and what they’re here to bring you.

Meet your Guardians & Energetic Hygiene

Connecting to your Channel doesn’t have to be scary.
You are SO LOVED, so cared for, and you have so much Power.
This part of the course might be the most important — Clearing your Field, creating your Sovereignty Practice, meeting your Guardians, and making sure you’re taking pristine care of your Energy,
so you always get to stay in the CLEANEST Energetics & the Clearest possible Channel.


Making SURE that every Guide you're working with, everything you're Receiving,
and everything you're tapping into is CLEAN, Aligned, and FOR you — because we’ll run everything through your Soul.

No more being afraid of 'letting the wrong things in' — this was HUGE for me,
because I was suuuuuuper scaredy-cat when it came to experiencing anything that's 'dark'. I got you on this.

 What women are saying…

“Cosmic Shaman honestly changed my life.

I learned how to discern my intuitive voice from the other voices,
how to trust what I received in meditations, dreams, and visions, how to consult with my own Soul and tune into Divine guidance,
and I learned how beautifully guided and supported we all are.

This course has solidified my faith in my own channel, and gave me the courage to finally trust myself.

And I fell in love with Heather's wisdom and with the other women in the group
as we witnessed each other's miracles.

— Sarah

“Heather is exactly what you need.

She’ll help you align with your Soul, so that you have the clarity, guidance, Energy and motivation to follow your Calling.

If you’ve found yourself in her realm — it’s not by accident.

Jump at the opportunity and work with her!!”

— Tani

“I feel more empowered and connected to my Soul’s Purpose.”

“Cosmic Shaman gave me the mindset and the tools
to step courageously into my developing intuition and spirituality practice.

I now feel more confident connecting with my guides, and know how to be more mindful and aware of the gifts and signs we receive from the other side.
I feel more empowered and connected to my Soul’s purpose here on earth.
Before Cosmic Shaman I was a little scattered and unsure of what I was feeling and seeing.
Now I’m venturing into the great Unknown with more Love and awareness than I’ve ever had before.”
— Lindsay B

“When I started Cosmic Shaman I was feeling so alone and so desperate
to know if I had any support at all "out there". The process of going deeper into my Self, my Soul, my longings and my desires revealed all sorts of synchronicities and magic at play in the world for me. I started having so much fun through the discovery process, and the Alchemy of this course brought me back on track- back into the flow, back to the knowledge that I am seen, held, supported and loved every day in all kinds of magnificent ways!”
— Emily

“Heather is exactly what you need.
She’ll help you see that life and business don’t have to be hard and that it can be full of love, grace and ease. 

She’ll help you align your work to your Soul,
so that you have the clarity, guidance, energy and motivation to follow your Calling. 

A journey into the sacred feminine energy, Heather’s loving containers
are the perfect safe space for the transformation and expansion you’re looking for. 

I highly recommend not only
Goddesspreneur and Cosmic Shaman,
but ANY of Heather’s work.

It’s incredibly healing, uplifting and freeing. 

If you’ve found yourself in her realm, it’s not by accident.

Jump at the opportunity and work with her!”

— Tani

”Cosmic Shaman was a gem in the sea of my Becoming.
Heather supported me on my own Shamanic journey, listening and providing tools that helped me tune in deeper to the Truth I already knew.
My dreams spoke volumes to my life, and with the container provided in Cosmic Shaman,
I was able to work with those dreams and engage more deeply with my Soul, discovering Her name and listening to Her wisdom.
I am so grateful for Cosmic Shaman!”

Heather showed me I hold the power to shift my reality and my life.

“The Cosmic Shaman journey was such a safe container to explore my inner Feminine, my Power, and my healing. Heather showed me I hold the power to shift my reality and my life.
She never gave away the “answers,” but gave me the tools to find my own answers within, with my intuition.
More and more it gets easier to shift, to see, to understand.”
— Amel M

"In my mind, I renamed Heather's Cosmic Shaman course, "Learning to See"
— because that is what it did for me. 

It taught me to be aware, to be awake, heightening my perceptions - inner and outer. 
Thanks to the course, I now feel more open to receiving messages from my surroundings and have a better understanding of key themes that are necessary to my continued self-discovery. 
Plus, my best writing work originated while I was in Cosmic Shaman!

This course was the catalyst for a deepening into my being.
I'm so grateful for that.
My eyes are open now!"

 - Naina S