
Presence-based marketing for the quieter Soul
+ the Heart-led Leader


Breathe, beautiful…
Because NO you don't have to be loud, gregarious, super-outgoing, hyper-visible
to "make it" in the online space and create a successful Soul-business...

And NO you don't have to keep using the current marketing practices
that feel sharp or abrasive to your energy systems and nervous system...

And NO you don't have to be more enthusiastic or "always on"
in order to compete with the noise in the marketplace.

And NO you don’t have to “push yourself” through those moments
when you feel more internal, when you feel like you’re ‘in it’,
when you’re in the Ebb or the Void and you feel like you have nothing to give.

You don’t have to keep forcing yourself
to Market in ways that don’t feel good to you.

You get to show up for your business
in a way that actually nurtures you, too.

We need your voice — yours, especially
the quieter one, the one connected with a gentle heart,
the one that heals with a softer touch;

we need your Medicine and your Soul Work — yours, especially
the deeply-feeling and powerfully healing one,
the one that Leads with Love and has Compassion at its core;

we need you to keep going — you, especially
to not give up or burn out because the current ways of Marketing are failing you and hurting you,
to never, ever resort to putting on the armor that comes of trying to be someone you’re not.

Yours is the voice and the Medicine we need the most.
Especially now.

There’s a reason you can feel the Work aching to get out of you…

Turn off the din and the pressure from the Noise Marketing.
Your Soul Work is asking for a much deeper Presence — and your people are craving it…

Deeeeeeep sigh...

Here’s what we’ll be exploring in this 4-week mini-course:

  • We’ll get you the only Content “strategy” you’ll ever need — the one that’s based on how you feel. Eliminate the pressure to post. Ditch the content calendar. And actually touch more people with your content, not less.

  • Tap into the Essence of YOUR Presence-based Marketing — not one someone’s trying to shove you into. It’s not about someone else’s template — it’s about YOUR Essence, and your Energy. We’ll uncover an aspect of that in a deep and potent Shamanic Journey.

  • Your Marketing, your way, for your vibe — it’s the only one your people are going to crave. Create a form of Marketing that actually feels GOOD to your Energy and your nervous system — even empowers you to show up more Powerfully for your people. And when you feel good showing up, your people will want more OF you.

  • Presence-based content prompts to use support your Presence-based Marketing voice — what if all you really need to do is be willing to journal for yourself, and that’s enough to call in your dream clients? Whaaaaat. Yep. That’s all you need.

  • Two Q&A Trainings in which I coached around the specific needs and questions of real women working with this exact process and changing their entire Marketing approach. Get even more insights into how to let this Presence-based Marketing work for you so you get to relax even more. This is some deep and powerful bonus content.


What women are saying:


Last week, doing nothing more than unapologetically showing up as me in conversations,
following my Intuitive nudges, and making new friends in my new town — and I have two new clients on their way in.

Clients DO show up out of nowhere that are aligned with the Frequency of you being TRULY YOU
— and then they just loveee to work with you!

To be honest, this way of attracting clients feel SOOOOO good,
I want nothing else from now on but this!"

— Dineke K.


This is the first time I had ever really learned about the Divine Feminine,
and I'd never done a shamanic journey before (resisted the urge to google "how to do a shamanic journey" before I started) -
and let me tell you, it was SO powerful for me!

I actually launched something just last week, and I brought all the energy that I uncovered during this work to it:
I resisted the pushy emails, I didn't use scarcity at ALL (because i kinda hate that stuff),

and not only did I hit my goal of 50 sign-ups, I more than TRIPLED it.
The energy and the community that I’m building is literally magnetic!

This was a really empowering way to approach to marketing for me,
and I'm going to use all beautiful things I found inside of me through this course
again and again and again.”

— Shawna Clingerman

“From the prompts, to the shamanic journey, to the workbook and audios — all of it almost like a form of meditation — Breathe automatically aligns you with your truest self just by listening and taking the content in.
I can't even express how good it feels to listen to this whole course.
It's like it's awakening something inside of me that was dormant and is rising now.

Breathe helped me release the pressure of having it to be a certain way in my Marketing,
showed me how gooooooood it feels to lean into ME,
and showed me that I never have to ‘convince’ or ‘trick’ customers into buying.

Now that I get this, it just clicks — it feels so natural that I don't even want it any other way anymore.
Very happy that I joined this course — it shifted a lot for me!”
— Breathe client

“I’ve been breathing life into my business, my Why, my Vision and Mission based on this Presence-based Marketing model — and it has all allowed me to be fully centered and in the moment of where I AM now.

The shifts I've experienced in Breathe have allowed me to be me, free to express myself, to enjoy posting without the need to keep checking on them to see how much traction I receive, and to really appreciate my softer, quieter presence. Getting to release that belief that I have to be super bubbly, always on and outgoing, has been SO refreshing.
This has been such a transformative experience.
I just can't get enough of this work, and I am thrilled to continue this journey with Heather.”

— L.M.

“This was SO GOOD.

"Breathe is the perfect name for this program because that's exactly what it allowed me to do.
Take a big, huge deep breath. And to breathe in PERMISSION to no longer force things in a way that feels icky, frustrating, unaligned and overwhelming.

To do things in a way that feel GOOD, even if it goes against the status quo.
And not just to do it that way, but to finally understand that in honoring my truth around marketing,
I am going to attract even MORE clients.

I was so sick of banging my head against a wall trying this funnel and that marketing tactic that the "gurus" claim is THE way, all while feeling crunchy and stressed by it.


I’m #hooked! I’m going to have to save up for Goddesspreneur now!”
— Amber Rochelle
Intuitive Healer + Empowerment Coach for Empaths