Clear Tones — Mastermind (or private, 1:1 guided experience)

Clear Tones — Mastermind (or private, 1:1 guided experience)

from $399.00 every month for 5 months

A Shamanic and deeply Clarifying Mastermind just for those of you bringing through Paradigm-healing, world-changing Soul Work.
Message me if you’d like a different payment plan.

You already Know you’re here to be a Vessel for something Bigger,
for something Higher,
for something Sacred,
for bringing through something pure and deeply of your Soul —

— and, because of that, you Know
that the Old Ways of doing business, marketing and speaking about your Work
will never work for you.

You Know that your Success is deeply connected to your Devotion
to the Medicine and the Wisdom and the Teachings coming through you.

You Know that if you contort or distort yourself, or your Message,
just for the sake of marketing and sales — your Soul Work will not thrive.

It can’t.

Because it’s literally designed to bring through something different.

Your Frequency must be Aligned
with what you’re bringing through.
Your Energy must be an Undiluted match
for what you’re here to do.

You must BE the Resonant Field of the Sacred Work
that wants to be birthed through you.

And here is where we’ll remove the noise, the mud, the distortion
so that everything you do FOR and IN your business
is coming from the cleanest Truth of your Soul and Her Mission
and the Pure Voice of the Sacred Work coming through you.

Here is where we get Undiluted.
Here is where we come into deep, true Devotion to what we’re here to do.

Here, we become the Clear Tone.

4 month Mastermind.
Now also available as a 4- or 8-month privately-guided, 1:1 experience.

Seats are limited in both.

8 calls, held twice a month, with a one-day Voxer check-in between calls.
(In the 8-month private journey, we have 1 call + one-day Voxer check-in each month.)

Details and dates for 2024 are TBD; call dates and times will be chosen with the first few women inside. Hop on the waitlist for the Mastermind, or join the privately-guided 1:1 journey.

(If you opt for single payment, you will only be charged once (ignore the number of payments, your ‘plan’ will be canceled after one payment.)
