What are
the Divine Feminine + Masculine?


What are the Archetypes?

Archetypes are Energy Patterns. They're Patterns of energy, behavior, thoughts, understanding, perspectives and feelings that exist within and around ALL of us — no matter our culture, no matter our age, gender, or belief systems. 

Archetypal Energy has been in existence since {whatever form of Creation you prefer} began. The second it went from Chaos and Void, Allness and Nothingness, into SOMETHING — a dividing happened. A this-and-that, a light-and-dark, an external and an internal... and thus, a Masculine and a Feminine. Consider them Yin and Yang, if you prefer. These are the Chinese terms for the same energies.

Wikipedia describes these as,
"seemingly opposite or contrary forces [which are] complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world,
and [which] give rise to each other
as they relate to one another.

These are the energies that create our world; that create the Contrast that is needed in order for anything to exist. My favorite way to describe this is paraphrased from a teaching from Ariel Spilsbury: If we have only Light, we are blinded; if we have only Dark, we are blind. We need polarity, we need Duality, we need the opposites, the Contrast of Light and Shadow in order to create ANYTHING. Both must exist.

These are the polarized Archetypes that the Universe embodies beautifully, perfectly, naturally, in their Sacred form, and which are present in the creation of everything. He, the point of Singularity and She, the unimaginable Infinity, the Chaos and the Void. And we — each of us — contain these Archetypes within us, also in their Sacred form.

Unfortunately, as a human race, we have been Embodying Wounded versions of these Archetypes for thousands of years — and it has caused ALL of the suffering we're currently experiencing and trying so hard to heal.

As I always like to say, if we want to determine
if we’re in Wounded or Sacred versions of these Energies,
I would simply ask you,
”Do you struggle?”

If the answer is Yes — then there is an Archetypal imbalance at play; there is Wounded Energetics happening.

Because in their Sacred forms they simply do not create suffering, struggling, Scarcity, Separation or stuckness.

In their Sacred forms, they create Expansion, Ease, Power, Certainty, Connection, Abundance and Love.

Now, if your answer was Yes — that you feel struggle, that you suffer, that you feel stuck — that isn’t your fault.
This is the Conditioning that ALL of us in this world are attempting to heal ourselves from
because, like I said, this has been our example, it’s what’s been taught to us, for thousands of years.

But you CAN change it.
because you were built to embody the Sacred Archetypes.


Here are some of the Energies you’ll find in each of the Archetypes — the Sacred Feminine and Masculine, and the Wounded Feminine and Masculine.
Please credit if you share.


What the Archetypes aren't:

I want to clarify that none of this is referring to gender (men or women), nor is it about gender stereotypes (outdated ideas of “femininity / masculinity,” with arbitrary measurements like what you wear, what hobbies you like, what household chores you do, how you talk, etc.).
EVERYONE — men and women (ALL GENDERS) — have Masculine and Feminine Energy within them.

What this IS about is the Archetypes. And the energy within each Archetype.
Rather than being about what we DO — it's more the ENERGY with which we do them.
It’s the Energy
underneath the things we do.

This is subtle work. And shifting these subtle Energies behind the things we do, and within us that have us living out the Wounded Energies, is how everything in our outer world, in our more ‘obvious’ world, shifts. That’s why we dive into the Mystery to retrieve our Remembrance of these Energies — because they exist in the subtle space, in the in-betweens, in the Invisible Realms.


What are the Wounded archetypes?

We — all of us, men and women and non-binary gender identified — have been living within a Paradigm which has contributed to, intensified and conditioned our Archetypal Wounding. The Feminine and Masculine Archetypes, in general, no longer hold their Sovereign, Sacred energies — they, instead, have lost their ability to be fully themselves, fully aligned, fully expressed and fully embraced.

When the Wounding happened is up for debate, and we may never know "when" it happened. Some believe the Wounding began when Copernicus determined that we were not the center of the Universe, denoting a shift both in our psyches and our methods for understanding ourselves and our world; others believe it was the invention of the written language — when we moved from image, vision, metaphoric and symbolic expression into the more singular, distinct, separate and focused creation of written word.

Wherever it happened, whenever it happened, we have been living within a Wounded form of these Archetypes for thousands of years — where we have focused primarily on the Masculine energy traits, valuing and upholding and revering the external, the linear and logical expression and understanding of our existence, focusing on measurement, rationality and control — and suppressing, devaluing, even vilifying the internal, the sensory and the Invisible Realms that exist within us and around us.

Such constant focus on the Masculine has created an imbalance in our Archetypal makeup — so much so that it has, in essence, folded over on itself over and over and over to the point of our near-destruction as a human race.

If that’s all too heady, imagine it this way:

You’re running a race, but you’re only running it with your right leg.

Can you run the race? Probably.
Will you make it very far, very fast — or enjoy yourself at all? Probably not.
Will you hurt yourself trying? Very likely.
Will you have to try WAY HARDER to go where you want to go? Definitely.
Is it how you were built to run a race? Absolutely not.

This is what we’ve been doing. Trying to live our best lives, have our greatest joys,
call in and manifest our wildest dreams, experience what we Know we’re meant for —
— with HALF of our Original Energetic Blueprint.

(It’s actually far less than half — I explain more about this in Golden Goddess and in my upcoming book…
but you get the idea.)


What is happening now

As we teeter ever closer to the brink of destruction that’s come of this Archetypal imbalance, is that the Feminine is Awakening from her slumber.
Like this planet, if there is imbalance that threatens the existence of life, some force of nature or another will step in to right the balance, right? And this is happening within us now, more and more and more — as the Feminine is beginning to tap us on the shoulder, showing us how we’ve been suffering, and calling us to Remember, Reawaken and re-embody of Her energy.
Mind you, this is not to swing to the other side and start suppressing or rejecting the Masculine. Rather, we’re being asked to Awaken Her so that these Energies within us can finally come into Harmony. Into the Sacred Union they were built for.

And this is what this work is.

For those of us who are hearing Her call, feeling Her tap us on the shoulder, whispering in our ears,
“There is so much More for you… You’re meant for something incredible… something Beautiful… something Magical…”

…we are beginning to do the work of healing the parts of us that have shut Her out, ignored Her, vilified Her, Feared Her,
and we are Opening ourselves to Remember the Ancient Feminine Power and Wisdom within.

Again, this doesn’t mean we’re abandoning the Masculine — we need them both.
But it is only when She is alive and well, in her Sacred form within us again
that HE can join Her in their Sacred Union, in their Divine Marriage.

That feeling where
“It feels like something’s missing”?
—It’s this.


Why does all this matter?

In the plainest English — if you seek an end to your suffering, if you want to stop struggling, to stop living in Fear and disconnection with what you most Desire, you MUST look to the Archetypal Energy level.

I’ll use another metaphor:

The Archetypal Energies make up EVERYTHING.
They’re literally the Foundation of everything.

And when we’re trying to create the life or business or relationship of our dreams
on a Wounded foundation —
— everything we try to. build on top of it will necessarily be Wounded, as well.

If we’re trying to build the house of our dreams and we’re not making sure we’re building on a solid (Sacred) foundation
— if it’s a wonky, crumbling, uneven, busted, unbalanced (Wounded) foundation — that house will never stand. Not the way we want it to.

We won’t be able to build what we want to build.
What we know we’re meant to build.
We’ll have to settle for something that doesn’t work, and it’ll be in a constant state of ‘falling apart.’

The Archetypal Realm IS our foundation for our lives,
for our soulful success,
for our relationships, for how we feel.

They determine our capacity for happiness, for Love,
for our ability to create what we're meant for.

Change the foundation, HEAL the foundation, and everything else starts to fall into place — because you are suddenly moving through your life in the SAME Archetypal pattern that exists in the Universe around you. (Because the Universe doesn’t operate in Wounded Patterns, right?)

And when you're operating
in the same Archetypal pattern as the Universe,
the Universe is able to work with you at every step,
and the state of Flow replaces the state of suffering.

And so, for me, the answer to "why does it matter?"
is quite simply — because it literally dictates EVERYTHING else.


Golden Goddess is the annual Mystery School, Mastermind + Destiny Accelerator
for women who are ready to awaken their deep, Ancient Feminine and step into their Highest Destinies
in Love, in Soul-led Business, in their Intuitive Channel + in their Sacred, personal Power.
Learn more here.

Or explore other options here…

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