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Your Soul Calling
is written in the stars.

It's what you came here for.

Offering your Soul Work GETS to be easier.
Creating your successful business GETS to feel like Pleasure.
It’s not supposed to be as hard as it’s been — it’s not supposed to require the kind of
struggle and push you’ve been told you have to do.

you can be guided every step of the way
to your soulful success...

You Know
you're here for a reason... 


That you have a deep, Soul-destined gift to offer the world — maybe you've felt that since you were a little girl.

But that spark, and that Knowing, has been dimmed, maybe it's even gone missing,
because of the conditioning that's told you "work is supposed to be hard,"
that's told you you can't make a living doing what your heart Desires to do,

that's been telling you to keep up, push harder, stay within the lines, follow this formula and buy these tools or you'll fail...

But that's not your Truth.
That's not what you were built for.

And that's not even scratching the surface of what's Possible for you.


If you're reading this, then the Medicine and Codes you carry within you are beginning to vibrate with the Remembrance that you came here for so. much. MORE. That you're built for a beautiful Purpose, that what you have to offer is of deep Service of this world...

That you have a potent and deeply needed gift to give this world, a Medicine to share, a Beauty to radiate, a Truth to speak, a healing to offer, a Soul Purpose to deliver...

You came here
to bring through
something New.

Something the world desperately,
desperately needs.

And the Universe is waiting to conspire with you, to support you in delivering it —
and to help you to Thrive as you do.

Goddesspreneur is now a Private Client Experience — a self-guided journey + some 1:1 support.

"This work is like a treasure chest.

Full of healing modalities, full of Freedom,
full of things I didn't even imagine existed.
Goddesspreneur helped me finally open the portals that helped me bring through the work I was BORN to do."

- Erika B.


But there's a reason
why you’ve been trying all the things,
hiring all the coaches…

…and it still hasn't been working.

And why it's felt harder than it's supposed to.

The Wounded Masculine Paradigm of business
— the current way; how we've all been taught to do business
(and how most people still do it) —
is killing your ability to create and call in what you're meant for.

And it's stifling your ability to be
deeply + Abundantly supported by the Universe.


This Wounded Masculine
Paradigm of business
is sabotaging your Success. 

It's keeping your Soul Purpose locked within a cage of "not good enough,"
"not ready," comparison, competition, Scarcity and Fear.

It's telling you to follow the template of Push and "do more,"
of "pressure others" and "sacrifice yourself,"
of Scarcity and staying stuck in the energy of "get" and "need."

And none of that is working anymore.
Not even for those who have been in business for years and years.

But that Paradigm of business is no longer working.
And it's not the way that's meant for you, anyway.

You have within you a forgotten Archetype, and access to the emerging Feminine Paradigm of business,
that is all about Abundance, Expansion, Receive, Spaciousness, Service and Possibility.


you were born with it,
you were built with it,
it is your natural Blueprint.

And Activating this forgotten Archetype
within you sets you free,

and frees your business from the
cage of the Wounded Masculine

and the cycles of struggle, push,
comparison and Scarcity it's built to uphold.


It's time for you to Remember how to access your birthright.
How to let your Soul Work flow through you.
How to let your Soul guide you to what you're meant for.

How to bring through the Medicine
you came here to bring through in your work.

And how to fall in Love
with your business. 


Goddesspreneur is now a Private Client Experience — a self-guided journey + some 1:1 support.

"Celebrating!! This stuff really works!"

I only have a couple spots left in the program I just launched! It came easy peasy, without challenges, funnels, or much hard work at all.

It feels so good! I felt so stuck for so long and now I can’t wait to finish this launch to launch my next offering because I'm so excited about it!"
— Tani Morgan



What if your
greatest Success
wasn’t just a Dream...

...but the Destiny your soul
wants to guide you to?


How would it feel to know your Soul's Purpose
and feel more confident offering your great work to the world?

How would it feel to never have to drill through someone's “objections”
or feel high-pressure on sales calls —

— and yet hear enthusiastic YESes from your clients?

How would it feel to tap into your own inner guidance system
and be guided to the right answers and the right steps — every. step. of the way to Success?

How would it feel to let go of the Shoulds, the have-tos, the pressure?

How would it feel to finally have a deep connection to the Soul of your great work
— and make it easy to share it with the clients who need you?


Goddesspreneur is now a Private Client Experience — a self-guided journey + some 1:1 support.


About the Journey

We'll dive in together with live calls, every other week, for 3 months.
Calls will be recorded for you, in case you can't make it — or if you'd like to listen again.

There will be teachings, guided meditations + Shamanic Journeys; 
Practices, resources, tools and explorations to use for your continued Success;
Personal support, reflections, suggestions and coaching to help you bring these Feminine tools seamlessly into your own business.


There is new content being added for the journey this year —
— but here are just a few of the topics we've explored in the past...


Feel deeply aligned in your business.

Get clear on your Purpose — why you're here,
and the impact you're meant to have in the world.

Tap into the actual Soul of your business and let HER guide your Success.


Your brand IS YOU — so we'll uncover your Soul Codes
to allow you to stand in the Frequency that calls your meant-to-be clients to you.

We'll also weave that Frequency through everything you do
— making it feel better for you AND your ideal clients.

Give yourself Permission to do business in YOUR way,
in the way that feels good — and leave the Shoulds and the Have-tos behind.


Create the offerings that will light you up — and will be an easy Yes for your clients.

Why it literally doesn't matter what anyone else is doing.
This is YOUR Soul's offering — and when you can tap into what that's meant to be,
you will Soar.

Get deep Permission to offer your gifts, your medicine, your teachings Powerfully
— no matter what stage of "ready" you're in.

Get unstuck, come out of hiding, allow yourself to be seen, heard and felt by your audience
in a way that is Soul-aligned and feels GOOD.


The Feminine Art of the Sales Invitation (which really isn't "sales" at all)
— feels a LOT better for you and for your audience,
and results in many, many more clients eager to dive in with you.

I give you my full 'script' for Soulful sales conversations —
this alone has changed the energy of my clients' businesses.


The ingredient other Money and Manifesting courses leave out:
Your Cosmic Purpose, and how being in Service of that allows you to Receive more.

Create an EASY Channel for Money to come to you.

Align with the energy that will get the Universe working FOR you — every step of the way
— so it doesn't have to feel like so much WORK.


Why it doesn't have to be as hard as it has been.
You GET to experience Ease and Flow and Magic in your business.

How to create Harmony across your entire brand, and your entire business,
so that you literally vibrate with the calling to your clients.

It happens to all of us — tools, practices and energy resets
for getting through the 'funky times' in our businesses.


What women are saying…

“I just had my biggest month in business yet —
—and I did the LEAST amount of work I’ve ever done.
The Feminine changes everything.”

— Courtney McNabb

This stuff really works!

I only have a couple spots left in the program I just launched — and I did this without challenges, funnels, or much hard work at all.
Only one FB live so far and a post a day except on the weekend. 
I’ve continued to detach myself from the outcome and now it's almost full!

It came easy peasy, just by doing the mental / emotional work!

It feels so good!
I felt so stuck for so long, and now I can’t wait to finish this launch to start working on my next offering because I’m so excited about it!”

— Tani Morgan

“Last year I knew that something new was coming through in my business, and I couldn’t quite tap into it alone, I felt so lost & stuck. I was bored and uninspired talking about food, and even though I was weaving more spiritual and emotional work into my Nutrition business it still wasn’t ME anymore. I had changed and my business needed to evolve with me.
And I knew that my business was not meant to run on someone else’s template or launch formula.

A whole new world in my business was birthed!
More sensuality, ease, flow, pleasure, more of ME and what my Soul is here to do.


Everything about my business became more magnetic.

I had no idea how powerful allowing the Feminine into my business could be!

I don’t worry about working hard, following a template, or doing things that everyone else is doing anymore.
I’ve signed on clients WITHOUT working hard or doing things the way that other business coaches say you ‘have’ to do.

The more I embody my essence and my soul and lean into my Feminine energy
— the easier things get and the more people are coming into this space.

My business looks nowhere NEAR what it looked like before Goddesspreneur!
I can’t imagine not having having the Feminine and my Soul in my business.”
— Renae Teel | www.renaeteel.com

“Two of the biggest shifts for me in Goddesspreneur were:
The Invitation and discovering my Soul Codes.

Finally being able to release the “sales pitch” and
having the tools to simply invite those who are called to move forward feels SO MUCH BETTER.

And being so aligned with who I really am, knowing my Soul Codes,
makes it so easy to speak about my work, offerings, visions, and plans.

Honestly, the work
I’ve done with you
has impacted my life
in every way.

My relationships (both with others and with myself) have become incredibly authentic
and rewarding and sweet and bursting with love.
I’m falling in love with the process of growing my business,
and the process doesn’t look anything like I thought it would."

— Caroline Hinchcliff | www.eathikelove.com

“Goddesspreneur helped me see what things I was doing in my business
that I thought were in Flow, but really weren't.

When I'm in that place of Flow, I'm finally able Receive what the Universe is trying to send to me. 
That never happened when I was just planning and executing and in my Masculine energy; head-down, blinkers-up, just going.

Honestly, I've had more opportunities coming my way during the Goddesspreneur course
than I’ve had during my business at any other time.

I'm a Virgo, and I've liked to have myself planned out for weeks at a time. But breaking up with my To Do list, and feeling into my day in ways that aren't about planning, is drawing in more of what I'm looking for than my planning ever did. 

And my sales calls don’t feel like selling myself anymore.
I feel like I'm engaging with my potential clients rather than convincing them of something. 

This is something my brain has understood before, but has never really
had the opportunity to feel, or know how to execute before. 

doing business this way feels freer;
less like pressure.

And it's working.”

— Kelly Curtis