

when you embody your feminine magnetism — the masculine can’t help but want to enter…

Lover creates the Energetic and Magnetic shifts to generate more potent attraction, the needed polarity, and deeper pleasure with your Masculine Energy lover.

This course is a game-changer for your romantic life — whether coupled or looking.

Delivered to your email inbox over the course of 4 weeks, with audio and workbooks, to help you shift into the Feminine Paradigm in one specific area of your life, relationship or business...

In Lover we’ll explore:

  • How to turn on, Magnetize and deepen in Connection with your partner, lover or date — or prepare yourself for Calling them in.

  • How to Activate their attraction so they keep coming to you, feeling drawn to you, wanting to be near you (whether you’re already in a relationship, or attracting a partner while dating) — and wanting to show up for you. Naturally.

  • How to inspire them to take more Masculine action for you and for the relationship (whether committed or dating), instead of feeling like you’re always ‘doing everything.’

  • Learn what causes Masculine Energy partners to pull away or stop showing up for their relationships or lovers — and how to prevent it.

  • How to mesmerize and ignite your lover — even just by talking to them.

None of this is about manipulation.

That’s Wounded Feminine. And those are Energetics that will cause even more Separation in our romantic relationships.

This is about Honoring our lover’s most natural Energetics — and deeply embodying our own — to create more Harmony, Union, passion and pleasure. Organically.

Turn yourself on in the Feminine.
Your Masculine Lover will meet you there…

Get the Lover mini-course:


What women are saying:

I'm a single lady and this knocked me DEEPLY into my own yummy goodness.
I recommend this one for EVERYONE.
Yum town.”
— Courtney

“Lover solved my biggest relationship problems in the most surprising ways;
I was genuinely floored after each module.

My partner and I were arguing a lot, disconnected and at odds,
and I thought we were probably going to break up because we just couldn't get on the same page.
But after applying all the Lover tools (without him even knowing!)
everything shifted. I mean everything.

The arguing stopped, he started offering me more affectionate attention,
and we've been able to have hard conversations while still staying deeply connected.
My relationship is now rock solid, and I feel super sexy and deliciously empowered.
I love knowing that even if things get bumpy I have these magical practices to fall back on.
You really need to dive into this course.
Thank you, Heather!”
— Amy

“I looooved this!!
I see a lot of opportunities where I can soften in my relationship, sooo good.
I’m actually feeling inspired to get back to my sensuality work!!
Really needed this, thank you!!!”
— Renae

“You have completely given me the most AMAZING LIFE
by showing me how it feels to be living in the Feminine!!!
Because of you, I am in the happiest relationship of my life,
and I have literally walked through a door to a new life, one of Ease, Flow and total Spirit.

— Darlene