Sacred Offering


The OLD Business Paradigm is a drain on your Heart, your inspiration, your Life Force, and your Purpose.

The new Feminine Paradigm of business feels like a breath of fresh air — for your nervous system, your Soul, your clients, and for your bottom line.

Sacred Offering helps you turn your offerings and your sales into an experience of Abundance and Beauty at every touch-point — for you and for your clients…

Inspire their Sacred, full-body Yes in a way you can feel good about.

Delivered to your email inbox over the course of 4 weeks, with audio and workbooks, to help you shift out of the Wounded Paradigm of business and into the Feminine Paradigm of Sacred Success.

This course — Sacred Offering — is for both the seasoned entrepreneur sick of pushing so hard, or the new entrepreneur wanting to build their business with Ease and Flow right out of the gate:

  • Understand the Key to Success in the incoming Feminine Paradigm of business as this industry continues to change;

  • Learn how to transform your Energy, your Confidence, your Offerings and your Sales calls into Divine Feminine Ease and Flow;

  • Create the conditions for a Yes Please on every discovery or sales call — without ever, ever having to push, manipulate, “handle objections,” or feel out of your Heart-centered Integrity;

  • Get clear on your Why, your Value, and the potency of the transformations you offer;

  • Structure your Offerings so that you make it REALLY easy for people to buy from you;

  • Invite Universal Energetics to work with you in building your business — instead of feeling like it’s you doing this all alone, trying to figure out the ‘right strategy’ or how to ‘make it work.’

  • Cultivate the Energy of Abundance within you so the Universe (and your clients) can — and can’t wait to — meet you there.

business gets to feel easier,
sales gets to feel loving,

and you get to feel deeply supported + abundant in delivering your soul work to the world.

Get the Sacred Offering mini-course:


What women are saying:

“Deepening into these modules completely reprogrammed my old mindset.
I went from worrying about how much I should charge and what my services were worth
 to knowing that I actually provide something that will make an impact on humanity.
SO powerful."

— Helene

“I’m a writer, and content has come pretty naturally for me — but my business was stalled out because I had so many amazing ideas and offerings, but was really struggling to ‘sell myself,’ to offer my work, and wasn’t getting hired.
I’ve been used to hiding, I was uncomfortable talking about and sharing my medicine, and
I didn’t know how to get more comfortable putting myself out there and getting more visible.

Sacred Offering expanded my thinking, helped me dive deeper into my Why, connect deeper with my self and the power of my work — and completely changed how I engage with others online.

And then the magic really started happening.

Women started reaching out to me —
— and in the next 27 days I was hired 10 TIMES IN 16 DAYS.

This is the first time in years that I have had so much engagement, so much connection and so much confirmation that my Soul's Purpose, my Work, is needed and valued and sought out by others.
It was so natural and it wasn't like I had to invite them - they were seeking me out.

I feel more confident in posting and sharing my work, and I’ve been on an abundance high every day since doing this course. It feels amazing!! Sacred Offering has truly allowed me to step into my magic — and that’s allowed more magic to come into my life.

I had no idea how powerful this work could be.
If you want to experience a huge shift in your ability to connect with your people, attract clients and have more clarity around your business and purpose — get Sacred Offering NOW.”

— Amanda

“I felt really stuck in my business, even though the puzzles pieces kind of were coming together,
I still didn’t really know if they were the
right pieces of the puzzle, or if it’s the work I should be doing.

I finally feel like I’m bringing through
the work I came here to do.
This work is like a treasure chest.”
— Erika

“I only have a couple spots left
in the program I just launched — 

I did this without challenges, funnels,
or much hard work at all.

Only one FB live so far and a post a day except on the weekend. 
I’ve continued to detach myself from the outcome and now it's almost full!
It came easy peasy, just by doing the mental, emotional, Energetic work!"
— Tani

"OMG I'm loving it already and it is only 10 min into the 1st segment!!!!
This is exactly what I needed!”
— Renae

“That letter-writing practice is such a game-changer!”

— Jennifer