I feel like this can’t ever be said enough…

I feel like this can’t ever be said enough…

Especially in this industry, where we have been so brainwashed into Wounded Feminine Entitlement — where Ease can be weaponized as a measuring stick of “how much you’ve ‘made it’,” and that Entitlement can bring with it her twin sister in Wounded Feminine, Shame — because if we’re not having an '“easy time of it,” oh, then we must be doing it wrong…

This is a place of Paradox.

A place of the Both / And.

As it is, always:

I wanna make something super, super clear... It DOES get to be Easier. You DO get to feel Infinitely more Pleasure and bone-deep Joy. There IS — OMGGG, there is so much — Miracle and Magic available to you, it's bananas. When you step into the Stream of your Soul Path, your Soul Calling, your Sacred Destiny, it suddenly feels like the entire Universe is flowing through you, moving with you and supporting every single step you take.

AND. There ain't no magic bean. No glass slipper. No flip of a switch where, once you've flipped it, everything is roses and peaches and Unicorns and nothing else ever happens, ever. { I mean.... there also IS because the world will never look the same again and Magic will be shown to you in ways you never thought possible, and you will experience the kind of Awe and Wonder you couldn't even have imagined before — BUT, I digress... }

My point is: It's called "The Work" for a reason. It takes some doing. It takes Commitment. It takes Devotion. It takes a Willingness to return, again and again and again, to what feels Unknown, uncomfortable, unusual, and out of your Control.

You will meet parts of your Patterns and Ego and Emotion Body and Shadow that you don't want to. You will meet them AGAIN, as you move up the Spiral and step deeper and deeper into your Calling.

You will. not. WANNA.

You will sometimes hate the reflections I offer you, you will sometimes think it's not working, you will sometimes feel too far behind, or you'll be annoyed it's not happening fast enough, you will think there's something wrong with you, you will Doubt that the Calling you can feel inside of you is actually Possible for you, you'll Doubt, you'll get scared, you'll fight yourself and get in your own damn way, you will furrow your brow, you will try to "get it" with your Brain, and you will try to find ways (ohhhhh you will try to find ways) to stay in a place where you feel like you have Control; overthinking, trying to 'figure it out' before you go, fixating and obsessing over the "How".... and then something will shift.

Imperceptibly, in the Subtle Realms, without you even realizing it, without you even noticing that it's been happening all along — something will shift. I see it every. single. year. It will suddenly go from black and white to Technicolor, and you won't have seen it coming.

You'll look around you, and you'll see a completely new world, and you might not have any idea how you just got there. I can't tell you when or where this will happen, because that Portal is in a different place for every woman who moves through this Work, but something will shift.

There is a moment when it will crack Open.

And you'll wonder how you ever saw it any other way.

And you'll look back at the Other You, the previous version of You, and you will be SO GRATEFUL that she didn't give up, that she didn't turn her back on the Mysteries and the Miracles when it felt hard to keep Choosing it.

That she kept going.

That she let herself Open just a little bit wider. That she let herself Surrender just a little bit more. That she took a chance, when it "didn't make sense to." That she let herself lay down a bit more of her Linear Mind, her addiction to 'understanding it all,' and the Subconscious security blanket she was gripping onto for dear life — even though it felt like some kind of Death to do it.

Because in that,
You were born.

This version of you who dips her fingertips in Magic and walks with Miracles kissing her feet. This version of you who Remembers.

So your job — the only one that truly matters — is to keep Opening. To keep Choosing what is Beauty and Magic and Love and Bigger. To keep Believing BEYOND "what makes sense" in the perspectives this Linear world has given you. To keep Releasing the ways this current Paradigm keeps telling you you have to do things, that it's the Only Way... because there is another Way.

A Sacred Way.

A Beauty Way.

A Path filled with Miracles and Magic, Wisdom and Wonder, true Self and pure Soul. Does it mean you won't ever bump your head against a wall or feel like "it's not working" or "not wanna" again? Oh my goodness, no. You will. But then you'll Remember. Faster than you did the time before. And you'll FEEL it in a way you can't ever Unknow it again.

Because you let yourself keep Choosing
the Mystery over and over and over again.

Golden Goddess Early Bird rates go *poof* at the end of this month.

Let's create Beauty and Magic for you in EVERY single aspect of your life, every single experience, in your relationships, in your business, in your Soul Calling and your Personal Magic... It's time for the New Paradigm — the one where your entire life gets to sing. We'll find you a payment option that feels great for your nervous system — don't be shy, just message me, and we'll create something beautiful together.









PS — to Activate this ancient, forgotten Feminine Power within you,
and finally have the More you're meant for — grab your FREE intro course here

Heather Allison is a Divine Feminine Shaman + Energy Repatterning Coach for women.
Diving into any of her courses will allow you to shift out the Wounded Paradigm and Energy Patterns that are keeping you stuck — and help you step into deep Love and Sensuality, Soulful Success and Abundance, your Intuitive and Mystical abilities, the Bliss and Freedom you were actually BUILT FOR.
Your ability to Manifest your Destiny lies in the Ancient Feminine Power within you. It's time to let Her Awaken.

“This was the best decision I ever made.
Everything I didn’t know I was missing.”
— Amy Young

"Do whatever you have to do to experience this work.
Seriously. It'll change your life."
— Julia Wells

“This isn’t like any ‘personal growth’ course you have ever done,or will ever do.
It has been the most divine experience I‘ve ever had.
It’ll be the best money you have ever spent investing in yourself.
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“This work is revolutionary.
There are no limits to the ways it can change your life.”
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“This work is so powerful, there truly are not adequate words to describe it...
...other than mind-blowing and life-changing.”
— Jaime Miller