Manifesting is the Divine Feminine's JAM.
Manifesting is the Divine Feminine's JAM.
She governs our ability to RECEIVE — honestly, I could just stop there, because that's what we're trying to do when we're wanting to Manifest something:
We're wanting
A partner... a lover... more money... more clients... a new home... new opportunities... We are wanting to RECEIVE these when we're trying to Manifest them.
But the Feminine also governs our ability to be Open,
to Expand, to follow our Soul's guidance toward what we're meant to Receive in the first place.
And these things are integral, integral ingredients in our being ABLE to Receive, in other words — being able to Manifest.
If you can't Open?
You can't Manifest what you desire.
If your Energy is too narrow?
You can't Manifest what you desire.
If you aren't following your Soul's guidance?
You might Manifest something, alright — but it's not going to feel the way you want it to, or it's not going to stick around.
Because She's the one with the map to what you're meant for — and when you let Her guide you there,
it gets to be sooooooooooo much easier.
And here's the kicker:
The Divine Feminine
is what
governs FORM.
The body, form, sensuality.
So it is the Divine Feminine who brings the ethereal, the unmanifest, that which is simply consciousness, INTO FORM.
That literally is the definition of Manifesting.
So when we're not embodying the Divine Feminine, then we keep thwarting our ability to Manifest. We keep playing an infuriating Masculine-only game of Cosmic chase, push, pull, struggle and Scarcity, an ethereal, always-blind guessing-game of Marco Polo.
Shift your Energetics.
Open to embody the Feminine Archetype that has been conditioned out of you, that you've been taught to Forget.
Let yourself REMEMBER just how much access you have to Power, to Magic, to Miracle — to guidance from a Team of Guides and your Soul who can help you step into exactly what you're here to do.
The Early Bird rate for Cosmic Shaman is still open until Friday — including a super-easy-peasy weekly payment plan.
Come join us,
and change EVERYTHING about your ability to CoCreate with the Universe.
PS — to Activate the ancient, forgotten Energy and Archetype within you,
and finally have access to ALL you're meant for — grab your FREE intro course here
Heather Allison is an Energy Repatterning + Destiny Activation Coach for women.
Diving into ANY of her courses will allow you to shift out the Wounded energetics and patterns that are keeping you stuck — and help you step into deep Love and Sensuality, Soulful Success and Abundance, your Intuitive and Mystical abilities, the Joy and Freedom you were actually BUILT FOR.
Your ability to Manifest your Destiny lies in the Feminine Power within you. It's time to wake Her up.
Nothing else out there is like this work --- and nothing else creates the whole-life,
deep Paradigm shifts like Archetypal and Energy Repatterning work does.
Dive in and see for yourself.
"When I say this is the most important work
that I've ever done in my life, I'm not exaggerating.
I feel like I was walking around in a fog, and now I've turned the lights on
in every part of my life.
This has been LIFE CHANGING!"
— Jaime M.
"Do whatever you have to do to experience this work.
Seriously. It'll change your life."
— Julia W.
"The most Activating and whole-life-changing experience
of my journey so far."
— Jennifer W.