One of the most damaging things

One of the most damaging things we can Believe as women is that we can somehow give away too much of ourselves. That if we give 'too much,' then somehow we lose it, we're worse off, we can't get it back. That if we give 'too much,' it means something about us; means we're naive, 'too soft,' irresponsible.

When the Truth is that if we're holding back waiting for some kind of guarantee that we will "get" in return for what we give, if we're Measuring how much we think is coming to us, to determine how much we'll let ourselves Open, if we're stifling the part of us that is HEART either because it's not 'practical' or 'responsible' enough, or because it 'looks a certain way' to other people, or even because it might not be accepted, appreciated, fully Received by another —

— then we are: closing ourselves from actually Receiving exactly what it is we're hoping for and 'holding out for' in the first place; letting the External world and our current perception of 'how much' is coming to us or ready to come to us, determine how much we actually let ourselves Open to Receive More; shutting down our Essence, our Way, and playing into the Machine way of living (inputs, outputs, inputs, outputs; constantly Measured, constantly meted, constantly restrained, NEVER Abundant) instead of the Beauty and the Bounty and the Magic we came here to live into THROUGH our Essence Selves.

My love,
YOU are an ever-fulfilling Power Source.

You cannot be depleted if you Give based on what feels Alive and Aligned, True and Resonant, when you feel called to give it instead of what you think you might 'get' in the future, instead of 'how much sense it makes,' instead of how fully it ends up being Received.

You've been sold a deeply damaging trope that you are somehow Limited, that 'giving' from your big Heart is a TAKING from you, that it's a weakness of character if you 'give too much,' that how much you Give and how much you Open should be Measured and meted out ONLY IF there is a guarantee of return, and that you could EVER possibly not be or have enough within you, so you must hold your Giving and your big Heart on lock-down unless it's the 'perfect' situation for sharing it.

That's not your Truth.

And the longer you keep living into this lie, the longer you will be Measuring yourself suppressing yourself gauging how much you are allowed to Be You based on what's outside of you. No. No more. You are Boundless.

You are HEART.

Your Way is the one that's ACTUALLY going to heal this world of the Machine Living that is ki/lling it, suffocating it, and has us ALL in the tug-of-war of Get, Take and disrespect, instead of drinking fully from the Fountain living a life of Bounty.

That's what you're here for.

Don't let this world ruin your Heart.
Don't let it talk you into holding back.

Don't EVER let it convince you that your Bounty and Abundance will only come from more Control.

Throw the doors open.

Let your Heart and your Soul lead you in how you show up to this world, and how you offer and share your Gifts. And, because, believe me, I know how sharp this world can be, how painful, how mean — let your Sacred Masculine come online to bolster your Will, and uphold your Why, and forever Remind you of what you're REALY about.

It is there — when he has Returned to make sure you KNOW the Truth of all of you, of why you're here, and how to be the powerful Stand for it — that you are too big, and too powerful, too Magical, for this Wounded world to convince you to stay small any longer.

#GoldenGoddess — my annual Birthday Flash Sale is on nowwwww, my loves
— through the end of the month.

Would it feel good to save 2216 on tuition?

Nowwwwwww is the time.

There are still a handful of these
special-pri/ce seats open.


PS — to Activate this ancient, forgotten Feminine Power within you,
and finally have the More you're meant for — grab your FREE intro course here

Heather Allison is a Divine Feminine Shaman + Energy Repatterning Coach for women.
Diving into any of her courses will allow you to shift out the Wounded Paradigm and Energy Patterns that are keeping you stuck — and help you step into deep Love and Sensuality, Soulful Success and Abundance, your Intuitive and Mystical abilities, the Bliss and Freedom you were actually BUILT FOR.
Your ability to Manifest your Destiny lies in the Ancient Feminine Power within you. It's time to let Her Awaken.

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