There’s a reason I’m not very much about goals

There’s a reason I’m not very much about goals.

That doesn't mean I'm don't hold Visions and make powerful Moves in their Direction, and Choose what I need to Choose to bring them to life. It means I don't hold them as "goals."

Because in their essence what goals are is a Line. Right? It's a marker we're trying to meet; a particular, measurable outcome we're trying to reach.

It's a line in the sand.

And, for me,
from the highest Archetypal perspective
— a line is Separation.

It necessarily splits the Primordial Feminine — our Power of Creation — in two. Now that is not a bad thing necessarily, because, as we know, both of the Archetypes, the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine are necessary for ANY Creation to happen.

But unless they're in their Sacred Dance rather than their Wounded one — meaning, unless the Energy we're holding around a goal is Whole, Expansive, and uplifting, and not based on a feeling of "get," need, Scarcity, competition, comparison, "I have to," "I should," "if I don't, there's something wrong with me," etc., — you can see how it's going to be a process that ultimately takes us DOWN the Spiral rather than helping us rise, even helping to carry us, UP it.

This doesn't mean we have to be perfect in our Energetics all the time. That's a) not real, it's not possible; it's not even an actual Measurement (what even IS "perfect Energetics") — we're Humans and we're necessarily in process in this Reality; and b) the idea of Perfection is a Wounded Masculine one — a rigid, Measured, Narrowed, full-of-Requirement and zero Possibility Energetic.

And it also doesn't mean we're sitting here, aimless, without any direction, without any Desires, Dreams, Visions; Believing that seeking growth is some kind of Wound. Because it's not.

It's HOW we hold the Dream — as a Calling? Or as a particular outcome to "make happen"? It's HOW we move toward the Vision — with Possibility and Permission to be in process? Or with pressure and push, and a Requirement of timing? It's HOW we source our Desires — from a deep well within that simply says, "There is always More, and I am always Expanding — and I'm ready to meet it, Receive it, rise up to claim it"? Or from an arbitrary marker placed by someone else, by society, by peers, by our own Self-Judgment?

What if you started seeing your growth, your Expansion, as container after container of exploration, Curiosity, Possibility, Wonder, that you get to simply be Guided through with your Soul's Wisdom — rather than a series of line after line after line that you have to "make it to" on an arbitrary, set timeline created by a Wounded idea of where you're 'supposed to be'?

That feels so much better, doesn't it?

I like this quote by Mark Manson, too: “Goals are a one-time bargain. They are the spending mindset. “I will spend X amount of energy to receive Y reward.”

Habits are an investing mindset. Habits require one to invest one’s efforts for a little while and then take the rewards of that effort and re-invest them in a greater effort to form even better habits.”

One is Transactional. Limited. Scarcity-based.

The other is Expansive.
Supportive of Quantum growth.
And one that KEEPS providing dividends.

There are several ways to dive in here...


The 3 Mystery Schools:

Golden Goddess 2024.

The signature journey, this is the space where whole-life Miracle happens, where the Paradigm-shift happens, where you step whole-Self and whole-Soul into what you Know is Calling you, where you leave the Wounded Masculine sharpness and hardness for the Beauty and Grace of the Sacred Feminine...

This space — is a Portal. Women are changed forever by this journey. Their lives are changed forever by this journey. There's literally nothing else like it.

It is the Beauty-filled and Miracle-laden walk into your Sacred Destiny.



Meaning “places of Light,” this is the Deep, Rich, Sacred Feminine Experience.

This is for your resting back deeply and your Nourishment;

for your slow-dance with Enchantment and Magic;

for your Soft-Sensual-Savoring Era... And it's where I get to support you in a beautiful, gentle, Sacred container and Shamanic experiencing.


Lineage + Legacy.

The Mastermind + All Access Pass to everythingggg.

A personally-guided Mastermind with me, plus access to ALL of my self-guided Courses, Mini-Courses, Masterclasses, Workshops, Meditations and Workbooks, etc., while you’re inside.

This space is a FEAST — it is the definition of Bounty, Abundance, Play and being Filled. And when you play in here, you create more of that in the entire Ecosystem of your life.


Want something a little lighter? Want to just dip a sweet little toe in these Waters?


is a delicious, immersive Taste of this Work.

Women tell me they love just being in the Frequency of this space, and absorbing... They also tell me that one reflection from me in the twice-monthly Trainings change their lives, their relationships, and how they do business... They also tell me the space and the Practices feel like nothing else they've ever experienced — and (my Heart, this always brings me to tears ) they care for the pure Love and Generosity and Beauty of this space as if it were their own.

This space is the tiniest investment for an incredibly rich, lush, monthly experience.


Message me for any of these
or to explore other options
— I'd love to show you Her Way
into everything YOU are meant for...


PS — to Activate this ancient, forgotten Feminine Power within you,
and finally have the More you're meant for — grab your FREE intro course here

Heather Allison is a Divine Feminine Shaman + Energy Repatterning Coach for women.
Diving into any of her courses will allow you to shift out the Wounded Paradigm and Energy Patterns that are keeping you stuck — and help you step into deep Love and Sensuality, Soulful Success and Abundance, your Intuitive and Mystical abilities, the Bliss and Freedom you were actually BUILT FOR.
Your ability to Manifest your Destiny lies in the Ancient Feminine Power within you. It's time to let Her Awaken.

“This was the best decision I ever made.
Everything I didn’t know I was missing.”
— Amy Young

"Do whatever you have to do to experience this work.
Seriously. It'll change your life."
— Julia Wells

“This isn’t like any ‘personal growth’ course you have ever done,or will ever do.
It has been the most divine experience I‘ve ever had.
It’ll be the best money you have ever spent investing in yourself.
— Kelly Sherlock

“This work is revolutionary.
There are no limits to the ways it can change your life.”
— Danna Hasson Yahav

“This work is so powerful, there truly are not adequate words to describe it...
...other than mind-blowing and life-changing.”
— Jaime Miller