There's an idea I'm seeing talked about in the coaching realm

There's an idea I'm seeing talked about in the coaching realm — including by people I very much respect — that I have a different perspective on...

{ To be clear, this is just my perspective — and I'm in no way saying they're "wrong" for theirs. It's all thought-provoking and I think it's important to contemplate both perspectives. }

The idea is this: That we can't get away from Manipulation (being Manipulative) if we're an entrepreneur who's marketing and selling our services. Even the idea that we can't get away from Manipulation as a Human, period — that we just DO Manipulate people, as a part of simply having Desires, having needs, having Egos; identifying as a "Me."

I don't agree.

In our Wounded states, yes. But it's not an innate part of being a Human, OR an entrepreneur. Just a conditioned one.

For me, this perspective is conflating Manipulation with Influence. For me, the Energetics of the word and act of Manipulation carries with it the intention to influence someone or gain control of a situation solely for one’s own gain, and/or with shady methods.

In other words, an (often conniving) attempt to get what you want from someone else, or to Control someone else, without thought for them, their needs, their circumstances or their Sovereignty. Of COURSE we're Influencing one another, and we can't get away from doing that — whether we're an entrepreneur or in our partnerships, our friendships, our families, our audiences.

We Influence or impact one another just by bumping up against one another in life, in our relationships; Free Will to Free Will, different perspective to different perspective. That's how our Soul Paths Weave with and through and around one another in relationship; we're built for this.

But I believe you can absolutely be creating Influence for MUTUAL gain — or at least while Upholding the other person's Sovereignty, to the best of our ability...and that, I wouldn’t call Manipulation. I also believe we can't really get away from "having an agenda" as a Human, let alone as online entrepreneurs. AND I do feel we can have an agenda, and seek its ends, in ways that don't include Manipulation.

Semantics? You might think so.

I call it the Subtleties and Nuances of Energetic Mastery, Natural Magic, Quantum Realms, and Sacred Relationship. And in my experience, the subtleties — of words, intentions, Energy, Actions, Hows and Whys — are INCREDIBLY important.

This is why we work with
the Subtle Realms
of our Energetics,
and the Nuances of Magic.

It's why we spend our time seeking more Expansive Consciousness. It's why we seek more Sacred ways of being in Sacred Relationship so that EVERYone wins... not just one, not just a few.

So that we're both taking Action to 'get what we want,' sell our offerings, and get our needs met — AND we're doing so with the Cleanest Energetics, the least amount of Wound-creating, and honoring the Sovereignty, nervous system, Wholeness and Free Will of those around us.

It's an Art, this.

It is THE Art

when it comes to the Creation of the life and the world we wish to experience. And it's absolutely necessary if we're to stop creating more and more and more and more Wound — within ourselves, our lives, our relationships, our Energy Fields, in what we create, and within others. Take or leave this, as always, but this is how I do biz (and life) at least to the best of my ability, and it's served me — and my clients — deeply.

Beauty and Magic and Bounty are unlocked
the more you're Willing to walk with the Subtle, Nuanced differences and the more you're Willing
to see how they Matter.


PS — to Activate this ancient, forgotten Feminine Power within you,
and finally have the More you're meant for — grab your FREE intro course here

Heather Allison is a Divine Feminine Shaman + Energy Repatterning Coach for women.
Diving into any of her courses will allow you to shift out the Wounded Paradigm and Energy Patterns that are keeping you stuck — and help you step into deep Love and Sensuality, Soulful Success and Abundance, your Intuitive and Mystical abilities, the Bliss and Freedom you were actually BUILT FOR.
Your ability to Manifest your Destiny lies in the Ancient Feminine Power within you. It's time to let Her Awaken.

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