You want out of the shallow end.

You want out of the shallow end. It's not how you want to live...and yet even the ways that are available for you to explore more Depth and Beauty, Wonder and Magic — feel shallow and impersonal, dry and rigid...

The constant churn of courses and masterclasses that might give you information and frameworks but don't Nourish your Soul and certainly don't quench the thirst of your soft, beautiful Heart that wants to be Loved and held and seen and supported in a way you, honestly? don't really have anywhere else in your life. Not really. Not in a way where your Heart gets to REALLY be truly held and seen and celebrated.

There are always dynamics to navigate... The busy group programs where you raise your hand and might get lucky to get called on once but really, does this person actually Know you? and can they REALLY help you step into the deepest Alignment of your Soul and the things that feel so deeply, deeply You in just one hot seat?

It actually just feels like it's more of the stuff you've been trying to get away from:
being misunderstood or feeling unheard
wanting to be seen for You, but also afraid they won't get you
the inner battle of figuring it all out on your own vs thinking you need to 'do it like everyone else' (which feels like Soul Death);
wishing you could just CONNECT and have a REAL conversation, a True heart-to-heart
a deep and wide-open space to spread out
to be taken deeper into YOUR Wisdom and YOUR Knowing,
to be Nourished into your greatest life and your Sacred Success,

— not "have more things to perfect and get right" but to be Guided into your abilities to make Magic EVERYwhere.

I don't want you to spend another single second inside of group spaces where you're a number or continuing to search, alone in self-guided courses and where you're being taught to contort yourself into some shape or some Template with the promise (but very rarely the delivery) of bringing your Desires into form.

Your Heart deserves
more than that.

Your Soul Calling deserves more than that.

The Medicine and Wisdom you're here to bring
to the world deserves more than that.

And — as I've seen over and over and over and over, in the hundreds of women I've gotten to support in this Work — the Ease of creating your beautiful Life, and your greatest Sacred Success, happens more from the ways your Heart and your Soul come alive within you — freely and fully and with wild abandon — and the deep Wisdom that emerges FROM you than it ever, ever, EVER does from information or Templates or Strategies from someone else.

If you're done with the hamster wheel of constant information and 'the next Strategy' and you're over being part of the impersonal experiences of "one to many" that literally can't meet you in Soul or True Self and yet you still KNOW that there's something More for you and you Know that it just feels so. much. easier. when you're not doing it alone...

I have a handful of seats
still open in Solaria.

This is the LIGHTEST way to work with me in the Deepest, most Magical, most Shamanic form of this Work.

I made it a no-brainer for a reason.

I'm sick of all of the impersonal, shallow, aloneness too — and THIS is the kind of Depth, Beauty, Connection and Magic I wish to see more of in this world.


PS — to Activate this ancient, forgotten Feminine Power within you,
and finally have the More you're meant for — grab your FREE intro course here

Heather Allison is a Divine Feminine Shaman + Energy Repatterning Coach for women.
Diving into any of her courses will allow you to shift out the Wounded Paradigm and Energy Patterns that are keeping you stuck — and help you step into deep Love and Sensuality, Soulful Success and Abundance, your Intuitive and Mystical abilities, the Bliss and Freedom you were actually BUILT FOR.
Your ability to Manifest your Destiny lies in the Ancient Feminine Power within you. It's time to let Her Awaken.

“This was the best decision I ever made.
Everything I didn’t know I was missing.”
— Amy Young

"Do whatever you have to do to experience this work.
Seriously. It'll change your life."
— Julia Wells

“This isn’t like any ‘personal growth’ course you have ever done,or will ever do.
It has been the most divine experience I‘ve ever had.
It’ll be the best money you have ever spent investing in yourself.
— Kelly Sherlock

“This work is revolutionary.
There are no limitsto the ways it can change your life.”
— Danna Hasson Yahav

“This work is so powerful, there truly are not adequate words to describe it...
...other than mind-blowing and life-changing.”
— Jaime Miller