Join us in Golden Goddess

Join us in Golden Goddess

from $4,000.00

The annual Mystery School, Divine Feminine Mastermind + Destiny Accelerator.
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“Golden Goddess is revolutionary.” — Danna Yahav

“This is the best decision I ever made.
I’ve experienced unimaginable transformation.
I don’t know what my life would look like or my business would feel like without you.” — Amy Young

“Don’t think — just jump. Trust the tingles.” — Ashley Eve

VIP includes 7 additional private 1:1 calls.

Pre-Enrollment and Early Bird rates are a special opportunity. These are available for a limited time only… BIPOC Offering is available at any time.
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You can feel, deep in your bones,
that you came to this life for something Beautiful.

And this journey is the deepest Remembrance of what that is,
access to the parts of you that Know exactly how to create it,
and a fast-tracking of your ability to do exactly that.

It is part Mystery School,
part lovingly-held Mastermind,
part Energetic and Emotional healing and Mastery,
part Incubator for your Highest Soul Path,
and a total Paradigm Shift into the Reality you were built for.

You won’t leave this journey the same woman you entered as.
And you won’t ever want to look back.

This is for the woman who wants full access to the things she has dreamed she’s capable of,
who wants to taste every single drop of the Magic, Bliss, Love and Success that's available to her,
who isn't willing to settle for less than the HIGHEST version of her Soul’s Path, Purpose and Mission.

This is for the woman who Knows she’s meant for More,
who Knows she’s here to live her most Beautiful, Sensual, Abundant and Powerful life,
who Knows she’s here to be a change-agent, a way-shower, a Bridge to our (and her) greater Reality.

This is the time-collapsing Quantum leap into your Destiny.

Your personally-guided journey through the Divine Feminine and the forgotten Mysteries,
the abilities and wisdom that have been hidden from us.

And every woman who steps through these Gates and allows herself to receive the teachings
and the tools here — steps into a New Reality, in which she is the Creator, and the Receiver,
of everything she Knows she’s meant for…

…if that sounds big, it is.
It is the most profound work I’ve ever discovered, and have the honor of teaching.

And yet, this is the realm of Goddess — and so it also gets to feel like Ease, like Flow, like Love.

Welcome home, beautiful. I can’t wait to share this with you….

Read more here, if you feel called: