But SHE goes so, so much Deeper.

Most teachings offer you a facet of the Divine Feminine, of Goddess and her Wisdom.

But SHE goes so,
so much Deeper.

Most Archetypal teachings speak to the Polarity of the Archetypes, and teach you how to live into those Polarities and embody them in your life and relationships. But without teaching you about the Archetypal Trinity, these Polarity teachings will actually have us creating more Wound — within us and in all of our relationships (both personal or business).

Most Manifestation teachings give you tools and practices for the Manipulation of Energy and the world around you so you can “get” what your Ego wants. But Wounded practices like these are not sustainable, and they WILL have you either spinning your wheels wondering why it's not working, crashing and burning when your Manifestations swing too far out of alignment with your Soul, or unintentionally setting fire to the things that mean the most to you.

Most coaches give you yet another strategy or template to contort yourself into, insisting that “this way” is the way that’s going to work for you — because it 'worked for them.' But the only Way that is actually capable of working for You, is YOUR Way — the Way that is uniquely designed for you, and is just asking to be retrieved, unearthed, Remembered when you let yourself turn away from external sources of your Power and Knowing.

What you’ll find here isn’t ‘most teachings.’

What you’ll find here is a Return to the Archetypal Trinity and the Primordial Feminine — the Sacred form of your Energetics that actually aligns you with Creation and the Divine itself; Sacred Manifestation practices, so you're creating a living work of art and an ecstatic life of Beauty, instead of unintentionally creating more Wound; and the deepest Alignment with your Soul, the Unseen Realms, your Sacred Destiny — so that everything that you can feel Calling you comes to MEET you with far less pain, trying, heaviness and suffering.

What you’ll find here are the teachings and the practicing of Sacred Harmonic Energetics (S.H.E.).™

What you’ll find here is the Pathway of Miracles.

This is where it gets so, so, so good…

Early Bird for Golden Goddess 2023 is about to open. And the waitlist for her (as well as the special waitlister rates) will close.

If something beautiful and powerful has been Calling you and maybe you haven't been able to define it or you haven't been able to find the "How" yet or it just feels big and intangible and Unknown…

Golden Goddess is how you begin to Co-create it all with the Universe, with the Unseen, with your Soul and your Guides, with your Ancestors, with Magic and Beauty and Miracles at your side, and singing through you.

Are you ready for the
Depth and Bounty and Expansion
and More she's calling you into?

It's time to say Yes to Her.


PS — to Activate this ancient, forgotten Feminine Power within you,
and finally have the More you're meant for — grab your FREE intro course here

Heather Allison is a Divine Feminine Shaman + Energy Repatterning Coach for women.
Diving into any of her courses will allow you to shift out the Wounded Paradigm and Energy Patterns that are keeping you stuck — and help you step into deep Love and Sensuality, Soulful Success and Abundance, your Intuitive and Mystical abilities, the Bliss and Freedom you were actually BUILT FOR.
Your ability to Manifest your Destiny lies in the Ancient Feminine Power within you. It's time to let Her Awaken.

“This was the best decision I ever made.
Everything I didn’t know I was missing.”
— Amy Young

"Do whatever you have to do to experience this work.
Seriously. It'll change your life."
— Julia Wells

“This isn’t like any ‘personal growth’ course you have ever done,or will ever do.
It has been the most divine experience I‘ve ever had.
It’ll be the best money you have ever spent investing in yourself.
— Kelly Sherlock

“This work is revolutionary.
There are no limitsto the ways it can change your life.”
— Danna Hasson Yahav

“This work is so powerful, there truly are not adequate words to describe it...
...other than mind-blowing and life-changing.”
— Jaime Miller