Can you find a way to Honor both?


I want to preface this by saying: Any way you continue to Choose to do something, continue to not turn away, continue to support the changes that are 400 years late is perfect.

Whatever you do,
I invite you to pause first
and do some research

— preferably by seeking out POC who are offering their guidance already (bonus for paying them for it)
— and not 'hand over' your Power to ANY movement without considering all angles, all affected, all impacts.

For me, it doesn’t feel right
to go silent right now.
It feels performative to me.
It feels “too easy."

Some have said the idea may have been co-opted by those who would
LIKE to silence the conversation,
the visibility of what’s going on, the voices of those who are finally being heard.
AND also, I don’t know the answer,
and I don’t want to reject a true movement, so I’m doing this instead.

It feels right to keep going, keep talking, keep amplifying Black voices,
keep taking action that actually does something.

Truth is always found in the Both / And.

I invite you to find a way to Honor both.



PS — to Activate this ancient, forgotten Feminine Power within you,
and finally have the More you're meant for — grab your FREE intro course here

Heather Allison is a Divine Feminine Shaman + Energy Repatterning Coach for women.
Diving into any of her courses will allow you to shift out the Wounded Paradigm and Energy Patterns that are keeping you stuck — and help you step into deep Love and Sensuality, Soulful Success and Abundance, your Intuitive and Mystical abilities, the Bliss and Freedom you were actually BUILT FOR.
Your ability to Manifest your Destiny lies in the Ancient Feminine Power within you. It's time to let Her Awaken.

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